martes, 18 de mayo de 2010

The fiLms Of my Life.

I love films! I'm addicted to see them and I enjoy them so much.
But I don`t like typical Hollywood films, blockbusters, you know?

I like uncommon films, something with which you can think about life, humans or feelings and then you can talk about our reflexions with others.

I'm fanatic of Tarantino's flims... When I was 14 years old, saw "Kill Bill" for the first time and I needed saw all his films: Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs and recently Inglorius Bastards.

Maybe this films don't are deep, but their sequence and dialogs have a black humor and criticims about humane behavior. And I total agree with Tarantino's thought's. When I saw his films I understand that I'm not a common person, because I don't like films like "Titanic" or "Terminator", not interesting for me and have simple's historys, are so boring .

But I like simples films with a big moral. For example "Pay it forward" is a beautiful film, and made something in my head. When I see this film I cry, always.

In conclusion, films plays an important role in my life, and I enjoy so much when I go to the cinema or still in my house to see one film on the T.V. I don´t care the way, only see flims!!! :)

To finish I want to make a criticims to Chilean films: I like some chilean's films but in general, the most of directors just think in money and sell their movies.


2 comentarios:

  1. Yes, Titanic is a little bit stupid, I do agree with you! But I confess that when I saw it when I was 10, I liked it... Now, I am sure I would not.

  2. Tarantino is a sick that always open your mind, it's great ..
    Still I can not see "Grindhouse" buuuu
